Richard Hawke and Neville Krieg are trained Elijah Challenge ministers and the leaders of the monthly Whitmore Square Outreach in Adelaide

The Elijah Challenge in Australia

September 2011 Adelaide, South Australia

“The Friday of the Whitmore Square Outreach turned out once again to be a cold and overcast day and as we prepared to start just a handful of people were in the park.

Yet, true to His promise, God blessed us with a very fruitful outreach event. Below are some of the highlights that we give thanks to the Lord for:

  • The attendance again turned out to be strong, with a higher than average number of young people.
  • One young Vietnamese man (Joseph) gave his heart to the Lord and is now is keen to read his bible and is being discipled by members of the team.
  • Another man was prayed for ringing in his right ear. As he was ministered to, he shared how the ringing had significantly diminished. He also was keen to take a Bible and other material.
  • Others were prayed for, tracts given out and a number of significant conversations were made with those who attended.
  • Our team has grown and is becoming more effective in both communicating the gospel, praying for the sick and catering for the BBQ to follow.
  • Again we were blessed with the worship and the gospel was clearly communicated.
  • One of our regular attendees is presently applying to do a Christian rehabilitation program, which is an enormous breakthrough. Would you pray for Emma.
  • God’s presence filled that place and again there was a real spirit of openness in people’s hearts toward both the gospel and one another.

We now look back over two years of ministry in Whitmore Square and thank the Lord that we have never had to cancel because of rain, nor have we needed to call the police over behaviour issues. Surely this is a God thing.

We want to be committed to not just making “converts” but being obedient to the Lord’s call to make “disciples”. This is a challenge, particularly given so many of the people we minister to are transient in their lifestyles. Please pray for Joseph that he might continue in his new walk with Jesus, and also that the Lord might provide him with work here in Adelaide.

We also are aware that without committed prayer preparation on the part of the team, we will likely just “go through the motions” at these outreach events. It is no doubt true that the greater price we pay in this area, the greater the harvest will result.”