By Elijah Challenge Asia Coordinator Hanok Masih

Our May Feeding Event was conducted in the state of Rajasthan in a village called Vijay Nagar. An Apostolic Church pastor allowed us to use his church for the event. Though the church was there for many years it had experienced no growth. They had only five members. The pastor advised us to have a Feeding Event both in the morning and in the evening. In the morning about 150 people attended the event. All 150 people stood up to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Out of the 150 people, more than 100 needed healing. One Hindu priest and his entire family came to the Lord. His daughter had been tormented by unclean spirits.


In the evening the priest invited more of his followers. We had another 150-plus people attend the event. Again, as in the morning event, the whole crowd stood up to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior. One lady was instantly delivered from a strong addiction of twenty years. Many children were healed of partial blindness, and severe back as well as joint pain were healed.


On Sunday, the church was overflowing with people. During the two days over 500 people heard the gospel. Approximately 400 or more were serious about their commitment. The pastor shared with us that five Hindu families which had thrown out their idols were facing persecution from other family members. Please pray for them.

The Lord is opening more doors for us in unreached areas of the state of Rajasthan.


The Feeding Event brought together a network of pastors from different villages

Feeding the villagers



Preparing food for the villagers





Simon Haqq preaching the gospel to the Hindus

Update received on June 6, 2012

“The news about how people were being healed in Jesus’ name continued to spread and on Sunday, the day after our event team left the village, more than 100 people came to the little Apostolic church to find out if it was true. The pastor was amazed not only that so many new people had come to his church but also that, as a disciple of Jesus, he too had “authority over all the works of the enemy…” (Luke 10:19)  As people saw their family members healed or delivered from unclean spirits, everyone of them turned their backs on the gods of Hinduism and placed their trust in the Son of the God, Jesus Christ. We are pleased to report that including what God did on the third day, approximately 500 people placed their trust in Jesus and, according the pastor, approximately 400 made serious commitments.”