Subodh Jena Kumar is based in Orissa, India

Subodh Jena Kumar Reports

“Let me share to you a very wonderful report which happened for the first time in my life…

There is a government primary school in town. Yesterday during class hour a child was suddenly possessed by a demon spirit. All the staff and children were frightened and ran away. They called a sorcerer to chant a mantra over the child, and the child was quite fine.

Again today the demon made noises in the school and disturbed the children. The school staff somehow came to know about our ministry and they called me to the school.

So I had an opportunity to share about Christ with the Hindu staff and all the Hindu children as well. Then I commanded the demon to leave in Jesus’ name.  The demon left the child and the noises ceased at that very moment, and the child was delivered.

They were all amazed and testified that they had never before witnessed such a thing. They requested that I minister in each of their classrooms and their office. Also many shared their prayer requests with me, and wanted to know more about Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord for this miracle and the opportunity to preach the Christ.”


One of the classrooms in the Hindu school