From time to time the enemy will try to disrupt our plans to proclaim the gospel in unreached villages of India. On February 28, 2018 we had planned to conduct a Feeding Event in a certain village. Knowing this some people scheduled a social event in a nearby village for the purpose of drawing people away from our evangelistic Feeding Event that very day. We were expecting over 270 people, but some street people did not show up. I was bit discouraged, but God performed wonderful miraculous healings one of which I have never before witnessed (see below). Approximately one hundred and fifty people accepted Jesus Christ.

A boy named Ranjit (below) had been handicapped since childhood. One of his legs and one of his hands were abnormal. He could not walk normally. The abnormal hand was shorter and smaller than the other hand. Moreover he was unable to speak normally. While I was preaching the gospel from the front, I could see from how he moved about that he was physically handicapped.  

I thank the Lord that I was able to minister to Ranjit with much authority and power. I instantly sensed something happening in him physically, and kept on ministering to him. The Lord healed him completely. Enunciating normally he was able to repeat words after me. His bad hand actually grew out to become the same size as the other hand. And he was able to walk normally. What a mighty work of God indeed! Hallelujah!

An elderly widow named Susama (below) had lost her hearing, and had suffered from pain in her body for a long time. She lived in abject misery. Our gracious Lord restored both her hearing and took away the tormenting pain. As she experienced what felt like electricity in her body during our Event, she was miraculously healed.

A man named Ankit (below)  had shoulder pain for many days. After I ministered to him the pain miraculously disappeared.

Thank you so much for your intercession and financial support.”

-Elijah Challenge Coordinator in Orissa, India


Afterwards the villagers are fed