December 2013

Bill Willis is a supporter of the ministry of Simon Haqq, who has hosted The Elijah Challenge on various occasions in North India. Simon and his team now conduct very fruitful Elijah Challenge Feeding Events in North India.

“There are not enough words to adequately express what God did during the four days of ministry in New Delhi.  First of all let me say that I have never met a more hard working man than Brother Simon Haqq. 

His day starts around 3:00 to 4:00 AM in prayer and bible study.  Then he spends hours each day on his cell phone encouraging our associate pastors and other people who call him for prayer.  It is non-stop activity from morning till night and by the end of the day he is exhausted.  

My plane landed on November 27 and on the 28th we did the Pastor’s Conference at noon, followed by the first evangelistic feeding that evening.  The evening of the 29th we did the second evangelistic gospel event. Then on Sunday, the 30th, I had the pleasure of going to church in Simon’s apartment.  It was packed wall to wall with men, women and children.  Needless to say, they know how to praise and worship the Lord with all their might.  I didn’t understand a word but, joined right in with them, making up my own words. 

At the Pastor’s Conference, I brought a message of encouragement to 75 to 100 pastors and some of their wives.  Maybe 130 people in all.  I also introduced our new soul winning program to the pastors.  God willing, we will be providing a DVD of “The Passion Of Christ”, translated into Hindi, for our key pastors.  The pastors can use the DVD as a powerful tool to introduce people to Jesus Christ and then heal the sick, in his name, confirming that Jesus is the Son of God.

So, all during the month the pastors will be involved in soul winning and ministering to the sick and the possessed.  Then once a month some of them will participate in a gospel event, as needed.

In the remote villages, where we do the gospel events, they are starved for entertainment.  So the pastors we place in the villages for six months will have the opportunity to use the DVD as a tool to attract more people to come learn about the Son Of God.  I addition we plan on handing out the Book Of John to all new Christians. 

I stayed in the La Wisteria Hotel and normally I went down to breakfast in the hotel about 7:00AM but, my final day I did not go down until 8:00.  I had no clue the Holy Spirit was working out the timing for me to meet someone at breakfast. 

When I entered to room there was only one lady there.  I said good morning and she responded, “Good Morning” in English.  Turns out she is from New Zealand and heads up an international ministry for Vietnam and India.  Her organization trains people to go into the small, remote villages to train the people how to be better farmers, how to manage household finances and introduces small doable projects, like home gardening, as a means of building hope for change and a better future.

She is open to the idea that our meeting may have been a God thing and is willing to consider training our pastors.  If we decide to train our pastors, they would have a dual role in the villages, ministry and improving the standard of living of the people who believe change is not possible. 

I am 66 and have been a Baptist since I was a minus 9 months old.  Also, I was an active deacon for approx. 25 years and had the opportunity to pray for and anoint many sick people, as instructed in James 5: 14-15.  What disturbed me was that we never saw any of these people instantly healed by God. 

Then in 1989 I went with my church to India.  After our pastor preached a very strong gospel message in an open air crusade we saw thousands of people place their faith in Christ.  That, however, was not the end of the story.  Our sponsoring church required us to also include a time for praying for the sick.

Our job was to pray with those who came for prayer.  For the first time we saw the lame walk, the blind see and the deaf hear.  It is something this Baptist will never forget.  It forever changed my life and how I minister to the sick.  Later I told a Baptist pastor in India that we do not see God do these things in America.  He responded, “This is India, not America.”

Before I share what I personally saw the Holy Spirit do in the November evangelistic gospel events I know some of you, especially my Baptist friends, will read this report and label it as being false and immediately reject it.  That’s primarily because you were born and raised in America and have been taught “conservative” Western theology and norms. 

Most Western theological seminaries teach that the age of miracles “confirming” that Jesus Christ is the Son of God ended with the death of the last apostle and/or you may have been taught that supernatural miracles ended when the official “authorized” canon of scriptures was completed in 1546 AD.

I hope you are not offended but, many if not most, third world Christians believe everything the New Testament says is totally true and applicable to them and their families, including the part about healing and deliverance,  In addition, people in these third world countries have no medicine, doctors or hospitals.  Even if they did, they could not afford them anyway, as they live on $0.50 to $0.75 or less per day.   

Just as it was when Jesus sent out his apostles and 72 disciples, so it is today in every village where we do gospel events.  For hundreds of generations all these families have known is Hinduism.   Most have no idea whatsoever who Jesus is or what he did to make eternal life possible.  Our gospel event team may be the first Christians ever to come to their village. 

The word of God is powerful and many accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior right away but, many demand proof that Jesus is not just another god to add to their list of Hindu gods.  Believe me when I say, Jesus is just as willing to prove who he is today as he was when he sent out his disciples in Luke 9 and 10. 

This is my testimony of what happened in the evangelistic gospel events of 11/28 and 11/29, when the gospel of Christ was preached and the sick were ministered to in Jesus name.

  • People were healed of hearing problems.
  • People with stiff joints walked with no limp or pain.
  • People with various kinds of sickness and injuries were healed.
  • People who were obviously demon possessed were set free and
  • Men addicted to drugs and alcohol were set free.
  • Approximately 700 men, women and children turned from Hinduism to accepted Jesus as their only Lord and Savior and
  • There was great joy released on the new Christians
  • Local pastors reported seeing new believers in their church the following Sunday

Jesus is The Way, The Truth and The Life and His word never changes.”   

-Bill Willis