


“We had another very powerful Elijah Challenge Feeding Event in a village near the border of Orissa and Bihar.   Over two hundred people accepted Christ.

Some testimonies:

A woman names Kamala (see two photos below) had a severely crooked backbone for four years and could not stand up straight, just like the woman in Luke 11. 

Luke 11:10: On a Sabbath Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues, 11 and a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not straighten up at all. 

Even after spending much money and taking various medications Kamala could not stand upright. For days and days she would cry out to various gods for healing, but none of them listened to her cry. BUT Jesus touched her mightily, and she experienced a powerful miracle from him. Standing at a distance from the front of the crowd she was miraculously healed. Praise the Lord. 



A woman named Jamudi (below) with a injured leg had to walk with the help of a stick. She suffered through a lot pain every day having to walk down to the river—quite a distance from her home—for her various essential needs. But Jesus miraculously healed her. She was very glad to accept Christ as her personal Saviour.



A young woman, Sarita, while on a trip up in the hills had tripped and injured herself. In particular, one of her fingers was mangled. She had gone to the doctor for treatment, but to no avail. At our Event she was miraculously healed. She could move her fingers normally again.



Young Bhunu (below) had severe pain in her chest. She also felt extreme heaviness there. But praise God in an instant she experienced something leaving her body, and she was healed.”





Elijah Challenge Coordinator for Orissa/Odisha
June 2018