Subodh Jena Kumar is based in Orissa, India




A hundred years ago an American Baptist missionary planted a church in Parisal. But until today there has been no pastor and they are independent. Once a year the village people choose the committee and the committee will chose a president, secretary and treasurer for a year. They will run the church without a pastor.

Praise God for this opportunity for us to teach and minister to such people. There was heavy rain. Even though in many parts of India it had been raining for a few days, still over five hundred people gathered.




The Almighty God helped me to teach The Elijah Challenge to the church. I tried my level best to teach in a simple and easy way for the village people to understand.

A young man named Dharmaday was having severe chest pain. I called all the leaders of the church and together we all ministered to him. The Lord healed him instantly and the believers were astonished. After that we asked the sick believers to stand and we ministered to the sick at a distance and God graciously healed many people.

There were so many orphan children there.

There were so many Hindu villages surrounding this village, I had a discussion with the leaders to reach out to them once in a week. But they asked for The Elijah Challenge to be taught once more for the believers in the villages who could read and write so that they could move forward.

Let me share a few healing reports:

Brother Ayub Misahl had back pain for six months, and he could not bend over due to severe pain. He was healed and was very glad to testify.




A sister named Bhibati was suffering from burning in her entire body. She also had a problem with eating food because of gastritis, but the Lord graciously healed her.




A church leader named Parag Ranjan had fallen from his bike in January and had broken his hand. He had taken much medication and was able to manage with his right hand, but he was not fully healed. Although he kept very quiet, Almighty God nevertheless miraculously healed him.


Parag (fourth from left) testifying


There were many people healed but since they had never testified in the church, they were too shy to stand and witness before the people. But later they came to us and testified what the Lord had done for them.



A sister named Patita had pain in her abdomen for two years due to a woman’s disease. She had gone to other churches asking for prayer from the servants of God. She used to apply anointing oil and water but the pain remained. The Lord, however, did a mighty thing for her. She and her husband had been married for seven years but they had no children. With much pain she was sitting there in the church, and the Lord healed her miraculously. They have requested us to pray for her womb to be blessed so that they can now have children.

A woman had been suffering from diabetes and high blood pressure for many years. Her life had been very miserable. She had to take medicine everyday and her diet was very poor as she was from a poor family. With all this her husband was very upset. But wonderfully the Lord healed her, but she did not tell anyone. She went back home and monitored himself the entire night. Early the next morning she came to us with many tears, thanking the Lord for such a mighty healing.

This sister told us that without wearing sandals she could take a single step. But she had walked to us barefoot from a distance of perhaps a half kilometer. Praise the Lord for this mighty healing.

A tailor named Jibant Mishal told me he could not attend the morning session. He came for the evening meeting, and was very touched. He told me he wanted to share Christ with non-Christians. He believed the Lord would hear his prayer and would do what He said in the Bible. He told me also that tears fell from his eyes as he had not shared the gospel with others. 

A brother named Subhagya suffered much because of a problem with his legs. One leg was of normal size and the other one was abnormally thin. He would have a problem when he walked. But the Lord touched him. Now he has no more pain and he can walk freely.




There were hundreds of people healed from malaria, typhoid, joint pain, migraine headache, toothache, breathing and sinus problems. People came to us and testified.