Brother Tee Joo Tatt trained with The Elijah Challenge in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2005. In May 2017 he submitted the following report to us.

“Some reports of training done here in Malaysia…

On 22 April 2017, I taught The Elijah Challenge at DUMC (Damansara Utama Methodist Church) Nepalese fellowship. I was only given about 1 hour. We had time to command healing for about 5 persons only and they were all healed. Praise God!

I can remember the first one had pain in his left arm and could not lift the arm straight up only just horizontal. After 2brothers laid hands and we all together commanded healing for that brother (Hanokh or Enoch) he was completely healed and he just went down on his knees to thank God! Praise God!

On 23 April 2017, I taught The Elijah Challenge at Kuala Lumpur Wesley Methodist Church Nepalese fellowship and it was from 10am to 3pm. There were more than 10 healed but time was given for 5 testimonies.

These are the testimonies…


This brother, Kusal Rai ( 6 years ago had pain in his right hip joint because of some football injury and his left shoulder join also was painful. After the brothers commanded healing for him, he is completely healed. Praise God!


This brother, Teju Rana Magar ( had for a long time feeling like sand is his right eye. He has been to hospital and given some medication but nothing worked. After the brothers commanded healing for him, he is completely healed. Praise God!


This brother, Yuman Gurung had great pain in his throat and it was painful to swallow water. After the brothers commanded healing for him, he could swallow water without pain. Praise God!


This brother, Gopal Tamata had pain in his eyes for 8 years and after the brothers commanded healing for him, he is completely healed. Praise God!


This is Nar Bahadur Nepali who could not lift up his left arm without pain and after the brothers commanded healing for him, he is completely healed. Praise God!


Chandra Nepali (, a leader from KL Wesley wrote:

जय मशिह…..सम्पुर्ण  प्रभुका प्रियजन हरु मा…,आज धेरै खुशी छु म ।आजको चङ्गाई को कमाण्ड  पछि मलाई प्रभुले ब्याक पेन(back pain)

को समस्या बाट  पुरै रुप मा चङ्गाई गर्नु भयेको छ । जुन समस्याले मलाई धेरै सताइरहेको थियो ( जस्तै =तल झुक्न अफ्ट्यारो  ,लामो समय बसेर उठेपछि असहाय रुप ले दुख्ने).लामो समय देखि ।……. तर आज चङ्गाई मात्र हैन…. नयाँ  सामर्थ्य  पाये जस्तो लागेको छ । यस्तो comfortable महशुस पहिले मैले गरेको थिएन …..

यी सबै कुराको लागि उनै जिवित येशु लाई हृदय देखि नै …धन्यबाद!!!!


My translation:

Jai Masih to all. Today I am very happy that God healed my back pain! I had this back pain for a very long time. It was very difficult for me to bend down and when I sat for a long time it was really painful when I tried to stand up. After the brothers commanded healing for me, not only was I healed but I now feel so comfortable as never before. I want to thank God for this wonderful healing! Amen!

He also wrote:

Jay Masih….thanks…dear brother….may God always bless you. Really…I never experienced like this ministry. It was amazing. जब तपाईले गवाही हरु बाँडीरहनु भयेको थियो…

My translation:

I was in tears… I’m smiling every moment ….praise the Lord.


Aashis Dumi Rai ( wrote:

मेरो गुडाको बेलामा दुख्ने हुँदा म निकै हैरान भयो थिए दाजु आज निको भएको छु यस्तै 3 महिना भएको थियो।

मेरो गुडाको समस्या थियो अघिको प्रार्थनामा म चङ्गै भएको छु दाजु

My translation:

My knees sometimes are painful and feeling very tired. My knees had problem and after the healing command, the knees are healed.


On 24 April 2017, I taught The Elijah Challenge at DUMC Puchong Nepalese fellowship and it was from 11am to 2pm.

Here are some of the testimonies:


Manu Tamang – She is a leader from Puchong DHL Grace (Anugrah) Church Nepali fellowship. She had pain in all joints (knees, elbows, fingers, etc) about 6 years. She also had burning sensation in legs and arms for about 6 years. When 2 ladies laid their hands on her knees and we all commanded healing in Jesus’ Name, she was completely healed of pain and burning sensation not only in the knees but every joint! Praise God! Hallelujah! She also had headache and when the 2 ladies laid their hands on head and we all commanded healing in Jesus’ Name, she was completely healed!

She also shared this:

“Although I have been a Christian for 7 years, I now know authority in Jesus’ name to command healing and evil spirits to come out. I want to encourage you that we need to rebuke sicknesses and evil spirits in Jesus’ Name. I have prayed many times but today I know how to command the sicknesses to come out of me. All my sicknesses have been completely healed! Praise God!”


Mina Kumar Magar – For 2 years, she had tears that automatically come to her eyes until her vision was blurred and she could hardly see. When another 2 ladies laid their hands on her eyes and we all commanded healing in Jesus’ Name, she was completely healed of the tearing problem and she could see very well! Praise God! Hallelujah!

She also had headache for about 1 year and when the 2 ladies laid their hands on head and we all commanded healing in Jesus’ Name, she was completely healed!


Sapana Tamang – For 3 years, she had pain in her heart (most probably heart burn) and gastric. When another 2 ladies laid their hands on her abdomen and we all commanded healing in Jesus’ Name, she had no more pain in her stomach! Praise God! Hallelujah!


Khem Paudel – For 1 month, he had pain in his throat and had difficulty swallowing water. When another 2 men laid their hands on his throat and we all commanded healing in Jesus’ Name a few times, he had no more pain in his throat! Praise God! Hallelujah!

He also had fever at night and headache. The same 2 men laid their hands on his forehead and we commanded healing in Jesus’ Name and we believe he will be healed of this fever and headache problem that occurs at night.

Testimony 5: Raj Kumar Khadka – He had left side abdomen pain for 2 years. After we commanded healing in Jesus’ Name, he was healed. Praise God!

Testimony 6: Nabin Nepali – He had pain in right side abdomen for about 1 year. After we commanded healing in Jesus’ Name, he was healed. Praise God!On 10 May 2017, I taught Elijah Challenge (how to command healing in Jesus’ Name) at Telok Panglima Garang Nepalese fellowship and it was from 12:30pm to 2:50pm. I also wanted very much to meet up with Bil Kumar who has been helping me with typing devotions for Public Nepali Daily Bible Reading. There were only 6 trainees at the practical session because a few had to go off earlier.


On 10 May 2017, I taught Elijah Challenge at Telok Panglima Garang Nepalese fellowship and it was from 12:30pm to 2:50pm. I also wanted very much to meet up with Bil Kumar who has been helping me with typing devotions for Public Nepali Daily Bible Reading. There were only 6 trainees at the practical session because a few had to go off earlier.

These are some of the testimonies:


Since there were so few trainees, I asked for anyone with pain to come forward for healing.

Brother Paul Khapange had a molar toothache for 1 day. This is the first time I have witnessed commanding healing for toothache during this training. After 2 brothers laid their hands near his molar and all of us commanded healing in Jesus’ Name, the pain was completely gone! Praise God! Hallelujah!


Since there were so few trainees, I asked anyone whose parents, children or relatives are sick in Nepal. We can minister healing with authority over the phone from Malaysia to Nepal.

Brother Peter Rana Magar said his mother is suffering from arthritic pain in most joints but especially the knees and she had pain at her waist. So Brother Peter called his mother. After all of us commanded healing over the phone  in Jesus’ Name, the pain was gone! Praise God! Hallelujah!


At the end of the session, we rejoiced and sang the song “Thank you, thank you Jesus” in Nepali” because God worked miracles when we commanded healing in Jesus’ Name! Praise God!


God bless you abundantly,

Joo Tatt