Brother Subodh Jena Kumar ministers in Orissa, India

Subodh Jena Kumar Reports

CNI Church (Church of North India) in the city of Bolangir, Orissa

September 19 & 20, 2012



We had a very powerful meeting in Bolangir. The delegates numbered between 100 and 150 and the visitation of God was very powerful. There were a few leaders from a Baptist church and the traditional Church of North India (CNI).

Accepting Jesus Christ

I took time and spoke few minutes from John 14:12. The doctrine of the CNI churches of India are a little different including child baptism. They also do not believe in healing and the Holy Spirit.

Thank God that the Lord healed a few people and a few took the decision to reach out to unreached places. I had a talk with one of the leaders for another program in the future.

It was very good time of fellowship with the traditional Christians. A few leaders were there and were very glad to experience the visitation of God through healing.

The Lord healed a woman named Mrs. Sahu who had a problem with her eyesight. She could not see clearly due to an allergy in both of her eyes. The Lord touched her eye and through many tears she testified that Lord had healed her. The Lord touched another woman named Mrs. Suna who for three months had suffered from severe headache and joint pain.


Mrs. Sahu testifies in front of the podium


Mrs. Suna testifies