The following reports were received from a disciple in Pakistan who was taught by US-based Pastor Colonel, a servant of God who had hosted and trained with The Elijah Challenge and now leads Seedtime Harvest Ministries. The training of the disciple in Pakistan was done over the internet while Pastor Colonel was in his studio at home in the US. 

“On Wednesday, 14th of February 2018, our team ministered at a village in Jesus’ name. Nearly 300 people came to Christ.

 Kachi Abadi 335, R.B., is a large unreached village with no internet access.

Date of visit: 14th of February 2018

Healing Testimonies:

1- A woman was healed from joint pain
2- A woman was healed from pain in her legs
3- A man was healed from pain in his arm
4- A woman was set free from pain in her whole body
5- A man was healed from pain in his head
6- A lady was healed from pain in her hand
7- An elderly man delivered from demons after 11 years of torment
8- 8 more people were set free from demonic attacks
9- 6 people were healed from stomach pain and back pain
10- A woman was healed from pain and lumps in her throat

There were many any other testimonies like joint pain, headaches, pain in the arm, back pain healed in Jesus’ name.”

March 15, 2018

“We reached another village on Wednesday. And this village meeting was an amazing meeting in Jesus’ name. Nearly 300 people attended the meeting in the village, and 220 people came to Christ.

The name of the village is Mayani. It’s a small unreached village with no internet access. Over 220 people come to Christ.

We told them that Jesus Christ is the way to life, truth and salvation. Jesus Christ is the Living Water.

Some healing testimonies….

During prayer after preaching and teaching about Jesus, the Lord touched them and healed them. Here are some testimonies:

1- A old women healed from joint pain
2- A women healed from her pain in her legs
3- A boy healed from pain in his arm
4- A little sick child healed
5- A young girl set free from demons