After an Indonesian pastor hosted us and The Elijah Challenge Training in his church in Bali, Indonesia in early July 2018, he went to the city of Medan in North Sumatra. There he met up with a Muslim friend who had been paralyzed due to a severe stroke and completely unable to move or lift his arm and leg on the left side. The pastor and his wife ministered to the Muslim man with the Lord’s power and authority just as we had recently taught in his church over in Bali. He reported to us what then took place.

“It was the first time for my Muslim friend to stand up and start walking. Earlier when we arrived at his home, he could not lift his left hand and left foot at all. He had to use his other hand to lift up his left hand and left foot. After we ministered to him, I first helped him to get up from his wheelchair and start walking. Later I let go, and, unaided he began to walk on his own. (His wife seeing this was at first afraid that he would fall.) But seeing her husband walk for the first time since his stroke, she was very happy. Later as we were leaving he stood up and walked us to the door to say good-bye. My friend in Medan will follow up on him since he is now willing to attend church. I also gave him an audio Bible.”



Below is what the Pastor shared about this in the Indonesian language:

“Saya lagi di Medan. Pak Surisman Muslim. Kami datang beliau duduk di kursi roda. Kaki kiri dan tangan kiri tidak bisa diangkat. Setelah disembuhkan bisa angkat tangan kiri sendiri dan kaki kiri dan belajar berjalan. Waktu kami pulang beliau langsung berdiri dr kursi menyalami dan mengantar kami sampai pintu. Puji Tuhan. Pak Suriman mau menerima Isa Almasih menjadi Juruselamatnya.”



Testimony from Pastor Chandra following the August 5, 2018 earthquake in nearby Lombok

“We here in Bali are all OK, including all our people. The earthquake took place when we were in church for our Sunday evening service. The service was already over when the earthquake struck. Together with the hotel guests, we all just ran out of the Aston Hotel where we hold our services. Thank God there was no damage at the hotel.

At that time my wife and children were at home. The neighbor opposite our home, an elderly woman, had almost fainted from fear.  My wife went to her and laid hands on her in Jesus’ name. She was healed and set free, and later was able to sleep well. Thank God!”