

He is a decorated U.S. Army Colonel with 33 years serving in Special Forces who was in line to be promoted to the rank of General. After the Lord Jesus called him to give it up and serve Him by preaching the gospel, he obeyed. After training with The Elijah Challenge, he now serves in the Kingdom of God Special Forces and is leading and training other disciples to serve the Lord in the same way.

“A Moment with the Colonel” airs Sunday evenings at 7 PM CST on BlogTalkRadio Prophetic Message Station:
Calls for salvation, healing and deliverance are welcome. 


Powerful healings with Jesus accompany US Army Special Forces Colonel


Authority Evangelism with the Special Forces Colonel in Myanmar (Burma)


Kidney disease and cyst on head healed at a distance by Jesus with Special Forces Colonel


“It was the most beautiful salvation I had ever witnessed”


“They are still processing all of this because they were anticipating death for her…”


Disciples at Full Life Assembly of God in Tennessee do the works that Jesus did according to John 14:12