By Kurt Simms
July 9, 2012

Reports from Kurt & Mary Simms

My daughter’s best friend Taylor asked my daughter Victoria if she and I would pray over her grandmother who has thyroid cancer. She lives in Louisiana. From Houston where we live Victoria and I commanded with authority for the thyroid cancer to leave her body and for her body to be healed and to be made whole. We did not call her on the telephone to minister to her.

Victoria just reported to me that Taylor’s grandmother went to have surgery this morning and had tests prior to surgery only to find out that the cancer has disappeared. Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ. He lives and rules forever!

[Editor’s note: this miraculous healing is in accordance with what Jesus did in Luke 7 where he healed the servant of the centurion. Moreover, in John 14:12 Jesus promised that believers would do the works that He did.]