Houston, Texas
August 2011 

I am Marcela C., contacting you to thank you for teaching us such a simple yet powerful and effective way of healing. On Friday night at the River Oaks meeting as we ministered to a precious sister by laying hands on her, “fire” come out of my hand and she was healed. After our meeting, I ministered over the phone to a friend and she was completely healed of a terrible headache. Saturday morning, my friend David in Austin, Texas [who had had the quintuple bypass heart surgery] was healed as we ministered to him at a distance during the Training session. I called him that night to ask about his heart and he said that he felt more energy, stronger heart, no pain.

I then called another friend to share what God was doing in our midst, she said “good, I have hip
and back pain.” After 3 series of commands, she said all pain left!!!