In February 2011 approximately 900 pastors, leaders, and disciples from 67 Assemblies of God area churches gathered for the first session of the Basic Training in the mother AG church located in the city of Osasco, Sao Paulo. We were given such favor through the recommendation of our brother Pastor Jonathan Ferreira of the Visitation of God who has a long-standing relationship with Pastor Márcio of the mother church. In the photos below are sections of the crowd early in the session. 





After the session, Pastor Márcio told us that in his many years of ministry as an AG pastor this was the first time he had ever heard the difference between the gift of healing and the authority to heal. Our dear friend Pastor Jonathan, a true apostolic leader in Brazil if there ever was one, wondered why he had not heard the teaching 30 years earlier. We were so encouraged to hear such remarks. The Lord is gracious.

During the demonstration of healing at the morning Training session, the Lord healed many infirm people as the disciples laid hands on them with authority. Some of the testimonies were quite striking involving restoration of hearing, release from symptoms of heart disease, and deliverance from decades and decades of pain.

Many miraculous healings were reported later that afternoon as the trained disciples went door-to-door to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick as Jesus commanded his disciples in Luke 10:9. Still more were healed in the evening services conducted by participating AG churches. One man who needed dialysis for failed kidneys testified that he was doing things he was not supposed to be able to do. 

At the final meeting at the mother AG church which oversees about 7,000 members overall, the Coordinator of the event Pastor Moses stood and shared his feelings about what the Lord had done. Many Pentecostals trace their roots to the Azusa Street Revival which broke out in In the early 1900s in the city of Los Angeles. Two men from this Revival (who happened to be Swedish) came to Brazil and began to preach the gospel with fire. Miracles took place, and thus was born the Assemblies of God in Brazil. Now, Pastor Moses related, one hundred years later—through another foreigner—God is restoring what took place a hundred years ago.

Below is a report from Pastor Moses Arruda, the Coordinator of our Training event. The report is an edited Google translation of the original report which was written in the Portuguese language.


On the days February 4-6, 2011 the Assembly of God Min Madureira Osasco chaired by Pastor Marcio T. Vergniano, held the first seminar of 2011, “JESUS TEACHES HOW TO HEAL SICK” with Brother B. and Pastor Jonathan dos Santos, President of the Valley of Blessing ministry / Araçariguama – SP.There was formed a  committee of the pastors that had a role in organizing the event that was responsible for all the work logistics. This Commission that was appointed by the pastor Marcio: Pr Moses Alvarez (Coordinator of the event), Pastor Walber Sousa, C. Pastor Zailton Silva, Eurico Pastor I. Lima, Pastor Marcos Gonçalves, Marcos Arruda Pastor, Pastor Eulalio Inácio de Lima, Sergio Leite and Pastor Ev. Parties Erisvaldo C. Silva.

Brother B. in the Seminar, preparing every believer, according to the text (John 14:12) to heal the sick as Jesus taught his disciples in order to show the world that He is the only way to God. This brother is invited by evangelical and charismatic churches to minister reconciliation and unity, being an important tool to empower the Church to fulfill the Great Commission (Mark 16:15). He lives in the U.S. and has a ministry called Elijah Challenge, preaching around the world with great crusades in Africa, working miracles in Jesus’ name. (It’s part of the project in Cariri / CE – Juazeiro and Crato and other cities in Brazil.)

In those days there were many healings in Osasco (people with problems with their column, kidneys, vision, hearing, heart, tumors, diabetes, etc.). The manifestation of the power of God in the lives of the participants was visible. They learned to use the authority that was given by Jesus to His disciples (Matt. 10.01, Luke 09.10, Acts 1.8). They learned also how to use  this authority in the name of Jesus to fight the forces of evil that acts strongly in our days.

On Friday night, Saturday and Sunday morning, participants received training at Headquarters. On Saturday and Sunday afternoon, the participants went to the suburbs of Osasco, practiced what they learned from house to house praying for the sick.

During these visits, dozens people were healed and a great number of people receiving prayer. In the evening they attended worship services to hear God’s Word and receive the blessing of healing from their illnesses. Great was the number of conversions.

Three days of real impact of God’s power in Osasco. Glory to God!

“Heal the sick and preach the kingdom of God.” Luke 10:9

Pastor Moses Arruda / Coordinator

Pastor Marc T. Vergniano / President
Assembly of God Church M. Madureira
Virginia A. Rua Rodrigues, 246 – Osasco / SP


Pastor Moses’ original report in Portuguese below:


Pr. Moisés Arruda / Coordenador (à esquerda)



Nos dias 4,5 e 6 de fevereiro / 2011,  a Assembléia de Deus Min. Madureira em Osasco presidida pelo Pr. Marcio T. Vergniano, realizou o primeiro  seminário do ano 2011, Jesus Ensina Curar Enfermos com Brother Willian e o Pr. Jonathan dos Santos, presidente do ministério Vale da Benção / Araçariguama – SP.

  1. Foi formada umacomissão pelos pastores docampo de Osasco quetevepapel de organizar o evento nocampo que se responsabilizou portodootrabalhologístico.Comissão essaquefoinomeada pelo pastor Marcio:  (Coordenador do evento), Pr. Walber Sousa, Pr. Zailton C. Silva, Pr. Eurico I. Lima, Pr. Marcos Gonçalves, Pr. Marcos Arruda, Pr. Eulálio Inácio de Lima, Pr. Sergio Leite e Ev. Erisvaldo C. da Silva.

O Brother B. no seminário, prepara cada cristão, de acordo com o texto de (Jo 14.12) para curar os doentes como Jesus ensinou seus discípulos, a fim de demonstrar ao mundo que Ele é o único caminho para o Deus.

O Brother B. é convidado por igrejas evangélicas e carismáticas, para ministrar a reconciliação e a unidade, sendo um instrumento importante para capacitar a Igreja a cumprir a Grande Missão (Mc 16.15).
O Brother B. tem um ministério chamado Elijah Challenge (Desafio de Elias), pregando ao redor do mundo com grandes cruzadas pela África, operando milagres em nome de Jesus. (Faz parte do projeto, no Cariri / CE – Juazeiro do Norte e Crato entre outras cidades no Brasil.)

Nestes dias houve muitas curas em Osasco (Pessoas com problemas de coluna, rins, visão, audição, coração, tumores, diabetes. etc.). A manifestação do Poder de Deus na vida dos seminaristas foi visivel. Eles aprenderam a usar a autoridade que foi dada por Jesus aos seus discípulos (Mt 10.1; Lc 10.9; At 1.8). Aprenderam ainda, como usar esta autoridade em nome de JESUS para combater as forças do mau que atua fortemente em nossos dias.

Na sexta a noite, sábado e domingo pela manhã, os seminaristas receberam o treinamento na Sede. No sábado e domingo à  tarde, os seminaristas foram para os bairros de Osasco, praticar o que aprenderam de casa em casa orando pelos enfermos.

Nessas visitas, dezenas pessoas foram curadas e grande numero de pessoas que receberam oração, foram a noite nos cultos ouvir a Palavra de Deus e receber a benção da cura de suas enfermidades. Grande foi o numero de conversões.

Foram três dias de verdadeiro impacto do Poder de Deus no Campo de Osasco.

Glória a Deus!

—Pr. Moisés Arruda / Coordenador
Pr. Marcio T. Vergniano / Presidente
Igreja Assembléia de Deus M.Madureira
Rua Virginia A.Rodrigues, 246 – Osasco / SP