July 2011

Testimony received from Simone G. in the USA who trained with The Elijah Challenge over the internet. The Lord had healed her from severe depression and bi-polar disorder from which she had suffered for five years.

“I just wanted to write a testimony about the recent healing my Mother received after taking the Elijah Challenge Training.  Last Sunday my Mom was having really bad pain in her feet. She was diagnosed with Planters Percitous (spelling?)  which caused really bad pain in her feet. She had to put special shoes at the side of her bed because when her feet touched the floor they would hurt really bad–the shoes relieved some of this pain. The problem with her feet had been going on for months and I was tired of seeing her in so much pain– so I decided to do something about it.

Using what I learned from your teaching I began to command that the pain leave her feet and that her feet be restored, healed, and made new. The pain did not leave right away but though mountain-moving faith, I persisted that the pain leave and her feet to be restore and they were. She experienced a 100% healing. The same feet my Mother could not walk on without very bad pain she began to jump and run on. My brother who is not saved saw this miraculous healing and was amazed. 

 My mother is a believer but much sickness has come on her body (lupus, fibromyalgia, and a problem with her knee). Before my Mother was not opened to getting healed–her hope had went down for believing for her healing because she had been prayed for many times before and had not received healing. Further, other Christians told her that the reason she was not healed is because of her [lack of] faith–so she had become very discouraged and thought that Jesus must not want to heal her.”