May 2011

On a Wednesday evening in April 2011 we taught The Elijah Challenge Basic Training for three hours on Omega Man Radio with host Shannon Davis. The program was broadcast to listeners around the world over the internet.

Near the end of the evening, we did a live demonstration of healing on the program. We asked for people among the listening audience with heart conditions to be ready to receive ministry in Jesus’ name. The Lord touched at last person in this way—a young woman. She had had an abnormal heartbeat, and she and her mother were listening to the program. As her mother laid hands on her daughter’s heart and commanded it to be healed in Jesus’ name according to our instructions over the radio, the Lord touched her. When her mother checked her heartbeat afterwards, she found it to be normal. They called into the program and shared with us what the Lord had done.

On a later Wednesday in May we taught Session II of the Training. For most of the final hour, we ministered to infirm people who called up on the phone from various regions in North America, applying the very Scriptures which we had just taught on the program.

A number of these people testified of improvement in their conditions as we ministered. In particular, Dorothy is a sister in Christ with a severe heart condition. She was feeling pain radiating from her heart to her shoulder and other areas of her body. She also had shortness of breath. She was in bad shape. As Dorothy laid her hand on her heart, we rebuked the heart condition and pain in Jesus’ name and commanded her heart to be healed and restored. She felt burning heat in her body as we ministered. After the first time, Dorothy told us that the pain had subsided a bit. After a second time of ministry in which she also exercised authority over the disease, she said that the radiating pain had completely disappeared. There was moreover no more shortness of breath when she got up and walked around. She sounded very different.

Some days after the webcast, we received a testimony of a miraculous healing the Lord performed through a disciple named Marc who had listened to the teaching.

“On May 18th I listened to a broadcast you did with Omega Man Radio. I have been listening to your teachings and they have been very encouraging for myself and my family. It was 2 days after that broadcast my daughter became ill with flu-like symptoms almost like a bad cold. That morning she woke up itching her entire body severely to the point were it was bothering me to see. There were large bumps all over her legs, arms, back, and even her face. The doctor said the day before that it was a reaction her body was doing by fighting of the bad cold or flew she may have had. To continue, that morning she was digging and crying because the itching and swelling would not leave. 

So I had decided that I was going to use your teachings and have the Lord heal her with the authority you taught. I had just came off a 24 hour fast and new this was the time to step out in faith. By fasting and praying the day before I felt that the Lord had prepared me for this. So I went up to Sierra my daughter and said to her Jesus can heal you. I then laid my hands on her legs and began to command the skin disease or virus to leave in the name of Jesus with authority. After I had her stand and walk around and asked how do you feel. 

She said the itching was not bad anymore, but the bumps were still present. I then said we will pray again and command this to leave and command complete healing of your skin. So I had laid hands on her again and prayed. After the second time the itching completely stopped and she was feeling good enough to start playing again. That was when I left it alone and waited. After about 1.5 Hrs. I asked Sierra to show me her legs. To my amazement her legs were completely healed and no dig marks red marks nothing, the bumps were completely gone! Her head arms and back still had bumps, so before I went to work I laid hands on her again, this time on her arms, and then on her head. 

After I went to work and called home about 1.5 Hrs. later and asked my wife how she was doing. To my surprise her whole entire body was healed not a mark or bump on her, PRAISE JESUS!!!! the work and teachings you are doing will show people the power of God and bring them to repentance. I believe that my daughter will never doubt the power in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. That moment will give her the ability to call on our Savior by showing her my faith and seeing the healing God had done for her. Thank you brother for what you are teaching it is life changing. May the Lord bless your ministry.”

Marc H.