“Greetings in Jesus precious name. Thank you so much for your prayer and support. We had a very fruitful Elijah Challenge Feeding Event close to the town called Jharsuguda.

Our LORD God did mighty things there. Over two hundred people accepted Jesus Christ.

Some testimonies

 An elderly man named Jagat (below) was unable to walk after suffering from a stroke a year earlier. He had to be carried by his daughter to the meeting. They were seated way in the back near the last row when the Lord graciously touched him and he was instantly healed. He stood up and testified how much he had suffered for the last year, but that “today is the day of the supernatural for me.”


 Another elderly man named Arnab (below) man had had a tumour in his neck which resembled a boil. The pain made it difficult for him to move his neck. But at our Event he experienced a very powerful touch from God. The tumor miraculously vanished and he was healed. He was supposed to undergo an operation, but had no money to pay for it. Instead our Lord Jesus graciously healed him.


 A high caste man named Rabi Sankar (below) had some disease that caused him to be bedridden for months. He had no strength in his back, his waist was bent over. He was unable to stand straight. At the Event he experienced supernatural healing in his body after which he openly humbled himself before our Lord.


 A young man named Karuna (below) came to our event suffering from a mental disorder for months. He was unconscious of what he would say, where he would go, and what he would eat. His mind was unstable. Moveover most of the organs of his body did not appear to be functioning normally. His parents had taken him to various places for treatment, but since there was no change in his condition they had given up. But after he heard about our Feeding Event, he came.  There he testified that he experienced supernatural healing in his body as well as his mind and his senses. When we questioned him he responded as a normal person would.
Praise the Lord for all His wonderful deeds.”
Elijah Challenge Co-Worker in India
January 2019