Other Elijah Challenge events in Singapore

Bethesda Bedok Tampines Church

Cosmopolitan Singapore: the “jewel of Southeast Asia”

Singapore is sandwiched between Indonesia & Malaysia

The Basic Training – English Section

We were impressed to see a total of about 800 disciples of the Lord gather at Bethesda Bedok Tampines Church (BBTC) for the Basic Training in separate English and Mandarin Chinese sessions. The great majority of them were members of the Church. Never in our ten years of teaching The Elijah Challenge have we seen so many from a single church come together for the Training. BBTC is indeed a radical disciple-making church which seeks to obey the commands of the Lord, especially the Great Commission.





“Hands-on” training: disciples come forward to lay hands on the infirm

We coach the disciples to heal infirmities in Jesus’ name

The laying on of hands

Exercising authority in Jesus’ name

Sister testifies she is healed as the disciples minister to her…

Healed in Jesus’ name…

Restored in Jesus’ name…

One of several testimonies of healing during the Training…

Senior Pastor Daniel Foo encourages the disciples


The Basic Training – Mandarin Chinese Section





The climactic Evangelistic Healing Service



 At the Evangelistic Healing Rally climaxing the Basic Training, the miracles were unusually many and powerful. The church was packed to the balcony. The trained disciples were ready to engage the enemy. The gospel was preached from Mark 2, where Jesus’ authority to forgive sin and save from eternal punishment in the lake of fire were demonstrated by his power to heal a paralyzed man. We would ask the Lord to perform similar miracles right then and there to prove that He could forgive our sins and grant us eternal life through His death on the cross. Below are a few photos of the trained disciples ministering healing to the infirm.







Infirm people thronged to the front where the many trained disciples ministered to them in the name of Jesus Christ. Many people—we would estimate roughly 50—came up to the stage to testify that the Lord had healed them and thanked Him publicly. There were some who were healed but who did not testify. A spastic young boy unable to walk since birth had been carried by his mother to the meeting. We saw him walking on the platform on his tiptoes.

Above & below: many—about 50 in all—come up to the stage to testify that the Lord had healed them

Trained counselors minister and lead people to the Lord after they are healed

An elderly man came suffering from Parkinson’s Disease so severe that he was in a wheelchair. The disciples spent much time ministering to him, but all he could do was shuffle forward inch by inch. After the meeting, two of the brothers drove him back to his apartment, still not healed. Upon arriving at his home, the brothers realized that it would take them half an hour just to get him up the stairs into his apartment from the car. And so by faith they took away the man’s walker, and commanded him to walk in Jesus’ name. The man promptly took off and walked briskly on ahead of the brothers up to his apartment!

As a result, fourteen people accepted Christ for the first time and thirteen rededicated themselves to the Lord. Seven people wanted to know more about Jesus Christ.

It was unusual to see such miracles taking place in a beautiful sanctuary in modern and prosperous Singapore. How can we explain it? We believe it is because of the emphasis of the Bethesda church on making disciples for the Lord and not simply drawing crowds with ear-tickling messages as is done in not a few churches today. BBTC is intent on obeying the Lord’s command to fulfill the Great Commission with the mobilization of the entire body. We believe that the Lord is pleased with this church and showed it.