Albert Kang is Elijah Challenge Coordinator for Asia based in Malaysia
July 2013

Reports from Albert Kang

Someone asks me whether we need to feel the power of God, such as warmness or electrifying sensations, whenever we minister healing. My answer is that some times we do and most time we don’t. 

For example, in a house church in Shanghai, after ministering the whole day, I was very tired. As I rested on a chair, a tall young man approached me for healing. I had seen him seeking healing for his chronic headache from the other trained believers but to no avail. As I was about to stand up to lay my hand on his head, the young man said that he would just bow his head to the level where I could lay my hand . He said that he would be healed that way. What faith he had.

And so I laid my hand on his head as he bowed low. I did not feel anything during the command for his healing. He suddenly raised his head and shouted that the pain was gone. This once again proves that the Holy Spirit’s power can work miracles with or without any intense physical sensation. The Lord honored the pure simple faith of this young man.