Gudia and her parents

“Today a Hindu family came to us from a village located about 25 kilometers from us.  For three months their daughter Gudia had been horribly afflicted by curse sent by a witch doctor. She had suffered from both physical and mental torment.  Since six of her family members had already died following such attacks, it was clear the demon intended to kill Gudia as well. The family’s condition was profoundly pathetic to say the least. 

Last Tuesday morning the demon spirit attacked Gudia with full force at their home. She told her father and mother to take her to Pastor Subodh Jena in Bhawanipatna, or else she would not survive for long.  Apparently the demon recognized us as servants of the Most High God.

As soon as Gudia and her family entered our orphanage, she could actually feel the Lord’s supernatural power. We ministered to her by rebuking the demon in the name of Jesus Christ, and she was wonderfully set free. Prior to that she had not had a proper meal for months, but afterwards she ate with us in the orphanage.

She did not want to go back home to her village. She told us that the demon would kill her if she went home, and so she wanted to stay with us.

We comforted her, reassuring her that she is covered by the precious blood of Jesus, and that no harm would come to her.

Praise the Lord for this magnificent miracle. It is a future opportunity to open another village for the gospel.  Please pray for Gudia’s village.”

Elijah Challenge Coordinator for Odisha, India
September 26, 2017

October 3, 2017 Update

“The powerful miracle which took place for Gudia was such a wonderful opportunity for us to proclaim the good news in her village where two thousand people live. All were astonished to hear her about her healing. It opened the door for us to reach even the surrounding area to share the gospel and minister to the sick.  Gudia is a college student and now she wants to learn “power evangelism” to serve the Lord in her village area as the power of darkness has covered.

The twelve disciples I am training and I went to that area and ministered to many sick people in many homes. There were many who believed and accepted the Lord Jesus as their personal Saviour.

Then we went to another village in a hilly area which was a bit difficult for us to reach on foot. The rainy season has begun and the road is bad. But we didn’t want to lose the opportunity. We went and ministered to so many sick people in the village. Their response was very good. A good number of people believed the Christ.

A few of the many testimonies:

For two years a woman had had a knee problem following her fall in rocky terrain. Her husband took her to the hospital. The doctor recommended surgery but they declined since they could not afford it. So she he would suffer when climbing steps. She was under medication as prescribed by a doctor, but still the pain persisted. We ministered to her three times, and the Lord Jesus touched her. She was completely healed.

Another woman was not able to see properly. When the disciples ministered to her, she could see a little better. Again they ministered to her. Then she reported that she was able to see clearly.  Praise the Lord!

A man had been paralyzed in one of his legs for five years. He had been hospitalized for a long time and spent money. Afterwards he was 70% healed, but he still experienced some pain causing him difficulty in walking. Our precious Lord healed him as the disciples ministered to him. The pain in his leg disappeared, and he walked freely. 

 A woman had a stone in her stomach causing pain. But due to the lack of finances she had not seen a doctor.  Instead she was taking allopathic medicine made by a villager—which did not provide any relief either. When we ministered to her in Jesus’ name the stone disappeared. She was healed. Praise the Lord.”

In this way Subodh is training these 12 disciples to be sent out to unreached villages to heal the sick who are there, to proclaim the kingdom of God, and then to harvest souls during these Last Days. Each of these 12 disciples will himself eventually repeat this process by training another 12 disciples, and so on—resulting in an exponential increase in the harvest—until Jesus returns.

Gudia ministers miraculous healing to woman with severe thyroid infection