“A Hindu man was very sick and admitted to the hospital suffering from TB with his body swollen. 
He was treated in the hospital for 15 days, but there was not much change in his condition. Their doctor advised the family to take him to the hospital in the state hospital for more treatment, but they couldn’t afford it. He was very weak, and constantly coughing. 

His wife heard about our workers’ ministry, and asked them to come to the hospital. Two of our trained workers went and ministered to him. Praise the Lord he stopped coughing immediately, and began to talk. The following day they brought him home. The swelling in his body had gone down. He and his family members accepted Jesus Christ. Our workers have started a fellowship there with two families joining them. They have believed on Jesus Christ after seeing such a powerful miraculous healing.”

Orissa, India
February 2019

Powerful miracles through Elijah Challenge harvest workers result in 4 new house churches.

A scriptural way to find the “man of peace” in Luke 10