“Comunidade Cristã Bíblica”
July 2012

Reports: The Elijah Challenge in Brazil

O link do seminário Desafio de Elias que foi feito uma matéria no Jornal Gazeta da Zona Sul


Sao Paulo, the largest city in Brazil




On Tuesday evening at the first Training session, one of the several people who came forward for healing of heart disease was Senior Pastor Horacio’s elderly mother. Every evening for years she had suffered from uncomfortably cold feet and hands because of poor blood circulation. But after that Tuesday evening she discovered that every evening her feet and hands felt fine.


Ministering to the vision-impaired


Woman (right) can see from blind eye


 Gentleman’s vision is restored


Ministering healing at a distance via telephone to someone with heart disease who is not present


Testifying that the person’s symptons have vanished


This brother ministered at a distance to his mother who had heart disease. She was under the care of 3 doctors and had very little strength. She could not lift a thing and could barely walk.


After ministering to his mother three times over his phone, she told him that she was feeling fine and that her strength had been restored. She came to church the following evening to testify.

Friday evening evangelistic healing service

On Friday evening we held an evangelistic healing service. To help you better understand the significance of what happened, we want to share with you what happened there just three weeks earlier.

According to our host Pastor Horacio, a well-known Brazilian evangelist had held an evangelistic healing Crusade for the area churches. But it was a huge disappointment. The preacher spoke mostly about himself. He also promised that people would be miraculously healed, but no one was healed. When it came time to receive the offering, he would not allow anyone else to touch it—the entire offering belonged to him and to him alone.

This was especially disappointing to one of the host pastors of the event—Pastor Horacio himself—whose ministry due to circumstances completely beyond his control had suffered from a recent financial setback and left the ministry about $3,000 in debt.

After such an experience the people came last night with some reservations, not quite knowing to expect at another evangelistic healing service. But the Lord was gracious and did not disappoint them. He enabled us to preach the gospel with power. After the preaching the many trained disciples fanned out against all four walls of the sanctuary ready to heal the sick to demonstrate that Jesus Christ had authority to forgive sin and save from condemnation in hell through His atoning death on the cross.

The Lord used them powerfully as they ministered with great perseverance as they had been trained to do. There were perhaps twenty testimonies, and some of them involved powerful healings that we do not often see. One young man climbed up to the stage to testify that since the age of twelve he suffered from a debilitating disorder which for all practical purposes had paralyzed him. He could not ascend or descend stairs unassisted. But in front of the crowd he was able to climb up to the stage and down again by himself. (See his photo below.) Ladies who had been delivered from incurable conditions like the woman with the bleeding in Mark 5 testified through tears that Jesus had healed them. It was an unusually powerful evening for us who have held many such meetings.


People healed waiting on the stage to testify


This young man climbed up to the stage to testify that since the age of twelve he suffered from a debilitating disorder which for all practical purposes had paralyzed him. He could not ascend or descend stairs unassisted. But in front of the crowd he was able to climb up to the stage and down again by himself. 

The largest offering in its history that evening

At the end of the service an offering was taken. Recall the people’s disappointment with the evangelist who had ministered there three weeks earlier and had insisted on taking the entire offering for himself. How would the people give this time?

Let us put it into context for you. The typical offering for an entire month received by Bible Christian Community totals about US$2,000. Last night in a single service God’s people gave US$3,000—the largest offering they had ever received in their history! And this was the amount their ministry needed to cover their debt!

We are delighted that this offering went entirely to the church.


YouTube Videos from that evening

Part of the gospel message that evening

Trained disciples prepare to heal the sick to confirm the gospel

Disciples lay hands on the infirm to minister healing

Testimonies of Healing I

Testimonies of Healing II

Testimonies of Healing III

Testimonies of Healing IV

Testimonies of Healing V

Testimonies of Healing VI

Altar Call by Senior Pastor Horacio

Some testimonies from that evening

Two men & two women received Jesus.

A woman with pain in the womb and pain from kidney stones was completely free from the pain.

A person who had bronchitis and could not breathe was able to breathe normally.

A woman with pain in her womb was relieved of the pain.

Woman with a heart condition who had been ministered to at a distance by her son who was at church the previous evening had her strength restored at that moment and she was able to get up and walk. She was then able to come to the service for healing for pain in her feet. She suffered from diabetes and cramps in the area of her womb. When she came forward and touched the disciple of the Lord, the pain left her.

A person who suffered from a backache and could not move or bend was healed.

A man’s gums had been painful for one week and had a sore throat. He felt strong heat as the disciple ministered to him and the infirmity left.

A young man with very high blood pressure with a very fast heartbeat suffered from a strong headache. He testified that he could feel the pain going away.

A woman whose friend brought her to the meeting could not move her arm due to pain in her shoulder. The pain disappeared.

A woman had pain in her chest which left.

A man with strong pain in his chest was healed.

A woman suffered from chronic, long-term pain in her side, and doctors were unable to diagnose the problem. She was delivered from the pain when a sister ministered to her.

A man could not sleep at night because of reflux. He believed that he was healed. On the following Sunday he would know for sure and would give his testimony.

A person who suffered from anxiety felt it lift.

A boy suffered from an allergy in the area of his nose. The symptoms of the allergy went away immediately.

A woman had seven myomas or growths in her womb accompanied by bleeding. She felt a warmth in her womb and the bleeding stopped.

A woman testified that she was healed of a thyroid problem.

A woman was healed of a migraine and reflux.

Second round of ministry:

A man who suffered for many years from backache and headache was healed.

A man with a sore throat, infected tongue and mouth, inflamed gums and toothache was healed.

A young girl with menstrual pain was healed.

A person with pain in the thyroid testified that the pain was gone.

An elderly man with severe pain in his leg was healed.

Since the age of twelve, a young man had a condition that left him with very weak bones and caused trembling. He could not even climb stairs without help. But the Lord touched him and he was able to go up to the stage and down without help. He believes that God will heal him completely.

A woman could not bend her knees because of complications due to surgery, and could not climb stairs. But after being ministered to she could bend her knees and climb stairs.

A young woman had mental issues and took a lot of medication. With severely crossed eyes, she could not see clearly. Afterwards she could see clearly and her legs stopped shaking. 



USA teammate Kurt Simms (left) ministers the following Sunday

Testimony from May 2013

“A paz do senhor, irmão, eu louvo a Deus pela sua vida e ministério, pois participei de um seminario de cura que vc deu no grajau, são paulo, e foi muito bom pra mim . dias depois do seminario fui em uma casa que tinha varios enfermos , coloquei em pratica o que aprendi e todos foram curados naquela casa. desculpe demorar de entrar em contato. eu gostaria de receber o power point do seminário se possivel para estudar e ensinar. obrigado por tudo e dou graças a Deus pela sua vida.”

Google translation:

“The peace of the Lord, brother, I praise God for your life and ministry, as I attended a seminar of healing that you gave in Grajaú Sao Paulo, and it was very good to me. Days after the seminar I was at a house that had several sick people. I put into practice what I learned and all in that house were healed. I would like to receive the power point of the seminar to study and to teach others. Thanks for everything and I thank God for your life.”