Reports from Elijah Challenge Africa Coordinator Emmanuel Rhema


Mafia gangster brings deadly cobra snakes to Emmanuel’s Crusade

Emmanuel wrote:


Calvary greetings in Jesus’ name. There was a crusade that had been organized for a man of God in Otukpa Benue state in the Northern part of Nigeria. Unfortunately the man of God was attacked with stroke two days prior to the programme, so I was invited to handle the crusade because of the December crusade I had recently held.

The first day of the crusade was powerful as God healed three deaf and dumb people, immediately I climbed the stage. The people’s faith was lifted up, then I preached on the exchange made at the cross of Calvary. Then I ministered mass healing to the sick, many were instantly healed of tumor, asthma, a woman with myopic eyesight was healed. God did marvelous healings as the people testified in tears.

On the 2nd day a noted mafia gangster who had threatened the whole community came with his serpents to scatter the meeting. He brought out his serpents, they were five in number. He took the cobra and put it on the stage and many people were frightened. Some even ran away. At the beginning I was also afraid. I almost came down from the stage because I know the man meant to kill. Suddenly boldness came upon me and I went directly and picked up the snake with my bare hand and commanded it to die. It died immediately. I picked the other four snakes and likewise I commanded them to die and they all died as well. The crowd gathered and they were praising God jubilant that the power of God is real. All the spectators confessed Jesus as Lord that night including the mafia gangster and his family. On the last day the size of the crowd was triple the first two days. TO GOD BE THE GLORY. As I am typing this letter now I am shedding tears because the joy of the Lord has overwhelmed me.

…The greatest joy is that the snake man is now busy preaching the gospel and there was truly revival in that community. I took time to teach them how to preach and heal the sick in Jesus’ name, just as you taught us, with practical demonstrations in healing deaf ears, and other sickness and disease instantly. IT WAS GLORIOUS.

Your son in ministry,


(Emmanuel attended our Seminar in Nigeria in November 2004)