“Praise God for the marvelous work the Lord is doing through our workers in our harvest fields. Almost each and every day we receive reports like the one below. Thank you for your precious prayer and financial support. 

Helanda had been bitten by poisonous snake. During the current rainy season, especially in the villages, snakes often look for refuge in people’s homes. Helanda’s condition was severe—he had lost consciousness. His fellow villagers were very concerned that he would die. But due to the urgency of the situation one of their young men ran to a distant village where our Elijah Challenge workers were ministering. After they ministered to him his senses returned and he woke up. It was so wonderful for the villagers to witness such a miracle. Helenda testified that only Jesus could have given him another chance at life. He along with his family accepted Christ. 

Hare Krishan had been hospitalized with a very serious heart condition. Somehow someone at the hospital contacted our Elijah Challenge workers, pleading with them to come to the hospital. They went, and could see Hare struggling between life and death. Our workers ministered to him in the powerful name of Jesus, and Hare opened his eyes. Praise God he was out of danger. Four days ago, he was discharged from the hospital to go home. Yesterday a house church began to meet at his home—they had all accepted Christ.”

Extraordinary reports from our harvest workers in India

The Elijah Challenge equips harvest workers to reach resistant people groups effectively and fruitfully by training them to heal the sick miraculously as Jesus did (John 14:11-12)—as irrefutable and compelling evidence that Jesus is the Messiah and the only way to the One True God who created the heavens and the earth.

“In the village of Rambi, a young man Mambala Kadraka for six days had suffered from a very painful infection in his eyes. It was so severe that Mambala would even cry. He had gone to the doctor who gave him some eye drops to be applied three times a day. But the infection did not subside. When our Elijah Challenge workers arrived in that village, he met with them and shared what he was going through. They ministered to him by laying hands on his eyes. At that moment Mambala was miraculously touched and healed by the Lord. The infection was no more. He could see the difference between medicine and the power of God. He believed and accepted Christ. 

Another young man named Labha was suffering from fits and seizures. His father and mother had already taken him to several doctors for both allopathic and ayurvedic treatment. But they were informed that his condition would not subside and that Labha would have to continue to take the medicine. There would be no guarantee. So his parents nearly lost hope. Lahba was losing control over the movements of his head.

Then they came to know about our house fellowship which was meeting quite close to their village. So they went there. Labha’s mother told our workers that they were ready to do anything if only their son could be completely cured. “Even take him with you,” she pledged.

She was clearly extremely anxious for her son, and so our workers encouraged her to believe in Jesus. For two days our workers ministered to him. Afterwards he was feeling very different. Then they waited until a certain day when he would normally feel uneasy and then collapse in a seizure. But Labha felt nothing; there was no seizure. Our gracious God had healed him. The entire family came to Christ. Now Labha wants to go around with our workers to spread the word, sharing what the Lord has done for him.  

In a village called Dalilatha a man met with an accident and had injured his chest. After taking medication there was no pain, but after three months severe pain erupted in his chest. He consulted with a doctor who did a scan. The doctor prescribed a drug for him, but after ten days the pain started up again. Our Elijah Challenge workers met with him in his village and ministered to him in Jesus’ name. He was healed completely.”

Elijah Challenge Co-Worker in India
August 12, 2019