More endorsements for The Elijah Challenge


“As I mentioned when you were here, you have the most Biblically sound teaching on the subject of signs and wonders, healing, faith and all related subjects including the Charismatic gift of healing and the James 5 model of healing. I am familiar with most of the well-known teachings on these subjects, and your exegesis, exposition as well as the signs and wonders that follow your teaching are unmatched.”

More from Dr. Tissa Weerasingha (Westminster Theological Seminary, Fuller Seminary), Senior Pastor of Calvary Church, Sri Lanka


“I just looked over your Powerpoint teachings and I really like it. I have been to probably ​four ​all-weekend healing/training courses​:​ with Joan Hunter, with Curry Blake (John G. Lake ministry in Dallas) and with a few others. They are all different.

I really like what I see in your teaching.”

Mark Upchurch
Financial Planner in Houston


“We have seen powerful ministries like Benny Hinn, Reinhard Bonnke, Jesse Duplantis, and Kenneth Copeland, but they only preach to the sheep and save the lost ones in single events. It may spread further after that, but it eventually stops—until their next crusade. Your ministry, however, creates disciples who create still more disciples who have the potential to be large ministries like the ones above. It keeps working and multiplying even when you yourself stop ministering.”

Broadcasting the gospel in India on TV
Bihar, INDIA – Even political leaders on the TV news gave glory to God: “this will reach millions”


“It is now fourteen years since I have been with you. I count myself highly privileged to have been trained by you. Today I am known as one of the outstanding healing ministers of God, and I can say with confidence that I have trained more people in Nigeria, if not Africa, than any other minister.

In Africa no one wants to teach others what they know because they want to be a one-man-show superstar. But I set apart a day in all my programs to train them as you trained me—with very sensational results. Many whom I have trained are very effective even in training others just as I have trained them.

…I have also taught so many ministers and believers the same thing you taught me—which is also producing results in their lives and ministry. If I had not met you and received your Spirit-filled teachings, I would definitely have remained backward and would have continued to struggle in the ministry.”

More from Rev. Emmanuel Rhema, Nigeria
