“I was at the border between the states of Orissa and Chhattisgarh. I saw that the gospel has not yet reached the majority of that region. People there are under the power of darkness. Hopefully we will be in that area to reach the Hindus.

I taught The Elijah Challenge in a small church there, and encouraged the servants of God to step forward to minister with power and authority.

There was a Hindu woman named Saraswati (below) who had come to be healed. She had had a disease in her spine for two years. Along with the local pastor’s wife, I ministered to her in the name of Jesus Christ. Afterwards she moved her spine back and forth to test it. She had been suffering from the problem for a long time, and she could no longer feel it. She testified to all that the Lord Jesus had healed her.

Later the pastor who had helped to organise the event called me on the phone to give me some very good news. The Hindu woman went home and shared with her relatives and her neighbours how she was healed by the Lord Jesus. Last Sunday she brought a group of Hindu people to church. Praise the Lord!



An elderly man named Basudev (below) was suffering from arthritis and was not able to walk freely. He felt pain in his muscles as well. When our trained servants of God ministered to him, our Lord Jesus healed him instantly.



A mother named Mamuni (below) had burning in her foot and chest. She had to use a specially medicated sandal to walk. Praise God she was completely healed from both infirmities following healing prayer.



Thank you so much for your prayer and support for the extension of His kingdom.”

Elijah Challenge Coordinator in Orissa, India
February 2018