The Elijah Challenge in Malaysia

Sidang Injil Borneo (Gospel Assembly Borneo) is a denomination which originated among the indigenous people groups of Malaysia, most of whom live in East Malaysia. East Malaysia is situated in the island of Borneo. Some of these indigenous peoples, called the “orang asli,” have migrated to West Malaysia.

Lucy of The Elijah Challenge spent two days in Kuala Lumpur equipping these pastors and leaders who minister in SIB churches in West Malaysia. Present at the event was Pastor Daniel Orut, the current head of the SIB churches in Malaysia, as well as Pastor Justin who leads the many SIB churches in East Malaysia.

During the Training the Lord graciously confirmed the teaching through several miraculous healings as the trained leaders laid hands on the infirm.

Below is a testimony from Pastor Jumi Kuanga of Perak who attended the Training.

“PRAISE THE LORD JESUS. I thank God that I have found the key which until now I as a servant of the Lord did not know—how to heal the sick through faith. Praise the Lord my prayer has been answered. Until now in my evangelistic ministry I have never seen the miraculous signs that I have been praying for. It turns out that until now I did not understand and I almost left the ministry because the Lord’s promises did not come to pass in my life. Praise the Lord, I am refreshed and energized because I have found the key that up until now I did not have. This is the time. I say to the Lord that I can do great exploits because I am a child of God. I do not have the gift of healing but I have authority from the Most High to heal those who are bound by infirmities and demons.”

Below is Pastor Jumi’s testimony in its entirety in the original Malaysian language:

Saya bersyukur kepada Allah, dapat menemukan kunci yang selama ini, saya sebagai hamba Tuhan tidak tahu bagaimana menyembuhkan orang sakit melalui iman, puji Tuhan doa saya terjawab, yang selama ini, dalam pelayanan penginjilan saya tidak pernah melihat tanda-tanda ajaib yang saya doakan selama ini, ternyata selama ini saya keliru dan hampir saya meninggalkan pelayanan kerana janji-janji Tuhan tidak terjadi di dalam Hidup saya, puji Tuhan, saya sangat bersamangat kerana menemukan kunci yang selama ini tidak saya ketemu, inilah waktunya, saya berkata kepada Tuhan saya Bisa melakukan perkara-perkara yang besar, kerana saya anak Tuhan dan tidak punya karunia penyembuhan tetapi punya Otoritas yang tertinggi untuk menyembuhkan orang yang terikat dengan penyakit dan setan-setan. Puji Tuhan.

Terimakasih : kepada Bapa W. dan Ibu kerana Tuhan mengerakkan Hati untuk melayani kami, saya doakan agar kalian, beri Tuhan perlindungan, berkat kesihatan, berkat keperluan dan Hikmat dalam melaksanakan Pelayanan Allah dengan lebih Dasyat. Harapan kita berjumpa lagi, KALAU ADA BAHAN PELAYANAN YANG SANGAT PENTING BAGI KAMI TOLONG DI EMAIL. HALELUYAH TERPUJILAH TUHAN KITA YESUS KRISTUS.”