By Sister Jenese M.

Hi Reverend Kang!!! Thank you for the power point demonstration.  It was a tremendous blessing!!!  I now have a Praise Report and more questions.

1st the Praise Report….a sister and myself went out and evangelized in my city, Tampa Florida, by Preaching the Gospel and Healing the Sick.  Our plan was to follow the Elijah Training Model according to Luke 10:9, but I think we actually Preached the Gospel and then ministered to the sick.  God did outstanding Miracles!!!!  I was so shocked by the tremendous power of the Holy Spirit!!!!  I believe 5 people were saved and God healed 4 of the people. I was so Blessed!!!  We are going out again this weekend and I believe we are going to Bibles, tracts and hopefully I can get a sign board that says ‘Free Healing Prayer’.