Testimonies of miraculous healings by believers in Germany after training via Livestream

In January 2018 we taught The Elijah Challenge for Pastor Greg Violi and Tabernacle of David in Lage, Germany. The Training was livestreamed to associated churches and groups elsewhere in Germany and in other countries. Below are testimonies from Brother Tobias Donath who watched the Training via livestream from Görlitz, another city in Germany.
“Below you’ll find some of the testimonies of miraculous healings in the families of our church.
1 . (our pastor)
My wife had aching in the back for weeks now. It was really hurting. Sometimes she couldn’t sleep because of that. We prayed but it always came back after a while. During teaching the last weekend we tried four rounds. God finally showed a blockade in the bloodline and after breaking and cleaning it in Jesus Name we rebuked the pain and it left completely. Praise the Lord. 
2. (our pastor)
Our son (12 years old, we adopted him from another family) had a stomachache for the last 5 days. We have made about 6 rounds  In the evening our son wanted to know exactly how it works „to heal“ and he prayed by himself in the bed. Since the next morning he was completely painless.
3. (a man of our church, 65 years old)
He had severe pain in the entire right side of the head for 3 days, including the neck and ears. He could barely swallow. He had severe pain with his ears and even his hair. The next day he wanted to go to the doctor. On Sunday night he watched the live stream (Elijah Challenge) in Lage (Germany). While still listening to the teachings, he silently commanded the pain to leave in Jesus’ name. The pain was gone immediately and he completely surprised.
4. (my sister + husband and her 9 year old daughter)
At a doctor’s visit very bad urine values of the daughter were found. In the coming days, her parents commanded the illness to go in Jesus’ name. One week after the first visit to the doctor, they went back to the doctor to test the urine again. The doctor was completely surprised that the values were now so very good. He could not explain that at all 
5 + 6 (my son, 5 years old)
Our son suddenly had severe pain in the left abdomen. But only on a fingertip large area. I rebuked the pain and commanded the pain to leave in Jesus’ name. 3 rounds without result. The 4th time it got worse. The whole stomach hurt now. Inside of me my emotions were like a roller coaster. But I did not show that to the darkness. Instead told my son: Perfect, something is happening. So now round 5. Now the neck hurts, also. OK: round 6 in which I also released a blockage in the stomach that our Father showed me. Then HE said, my son should go to the bathroom. There he vomited into the sink. Then back to our “prayer living room.” I asked my son about the pain: all gone. He was completely surprised and said: Wait, daddy, I test it again. Everything good only the stomach feels a little tired. I then told my son in faith that the pain left him and that it is quite normal to vomit if evil spirits leave 🙂 BUT you have to know: if our son vomits, it ALWAYS goes on for 2-4 hours. Vomiting every 15 minutes. This time – for the first time ever – it did not happen 🙂 An hour later he has eaten: Paprika 🙂 And a little later he was fully alive and healed.
The following night our son woke up crying. Toothache. I rebuked the pain and commanded to leave in Jesus’ name. Our son vomited. But the pain was gone. I thought: OK, that seems to be the way for our son. The pain goes through vomiting. But 15 minutes later he vomits again. Then the darkness began to say to me: ‘The healing of the afternoon was not complete. Now your son is back and still ill. Do you believe in miracles?’
At the same moment I commanded the darkness to leave and I commanded the spirit of restlessness in my son’s stomach to leave. The vomiting was over. The pain away. Another miraculous healing and the 2nd time that our son was not vomiting for some hours. The next day we asked our father in heaven if there was a reason for the two disease attacks on our son. HE showed us the reason. We repented, closed a door through which the darkness had come. Since that day everything is wonderful.

We all notice how our faith is growing to heal people in the name of Jesus Christ. Finally, we have clarity about what it means to heal the sick as Jesus commanded. We are no longer unconscious with illness. We are active. We started to heal in Jesus’ name and our faith is growing and growing 🙂

Thank you so very much for your ministry.”

From Tanja
“I was in your Elijah Challenge Training in the church with Greg Violi. Now I pray over believers (i have the gift of healing too) and many, many, many healings and wonders happen. Every week we have miraculous healings. You and your wife did such a worthy service. My spiritual eyes are now open.”