Subodh Jena Kumar is based in Orissa, India
March 5, 2013 

Subodh Jena Kumar Reports




Today in the afternoon I returned from Mahadim. Thank you so much for your prayer for the Mahadim meeting. It was a memorable event.

The Lord did incredible things in the meeting; two to three thousand Baptists, Catholics and Hindus gathered from fourteen villages as delegates. The blind received their sight, the deaf heard, crooked mouths were straightened, the mute spoke clearly, demons left instantly, and many more diseases were healed.  

Several hundred people accepted the Lord Jesus Christ by confessing their sins. A few backslidden leaders came forward and made decisions to live for Christ at the last meeting.  It was such an awesome experience. 



Mahadim is a small tribal village with forty houses but which hosted such a big meeting.


1  Abinash was not able to hear as both ears were deaf and he also was not able to see properly. He was the first person to come forward to testify, sharing that the Lord had opened his ears and eyes. He could hear and see clearly. The congregation stood and praised God. We tested him from a distance.




2  Kabi Raj was not able to see properly. The Lord touched him and he was able to see clearly. He testified that he had not been able to read the Bible. After we tested him, however, we found that he was able to read very clearly.


Kabi Raj


3  For seven years, Nilima had been tormented by a demon sent by a sorcerer. Whenever she heard music, she would lose control of herself—jumping, dancing and then falling down somewhere. Her father had taken her to several sorcerers for treatment (and even some pastors), but her condition was unchanged. Everybody had seen how uncontrollably she had acted in the meeting in front of thousands of people. But the Lord touched her and at that very moment the demon left her.




4  Twenty-four-year old Junas Majhi’s mouth was misshapen since birth, and as a result his speech was not clear. Moreover his eyesight was poor. But the Almighty God healed him. During his testimony he shared that he did not expect the Lord to heal him in such a way. But miraculously Jesus touched him. The doctor had diagnosed his condition as incurable since it was from birth. But praise the Lord—nothing has proven to be impossible for Him.


Junas Majhi


5  Nirakara had not felt any strength in his hand for a year.  But at the meeting he suddenly felt something like electricity in his hand. At that very moment the strength in his hand was restored. It was a very touching witness for his village as ninety people had come from his nearby village to attend the meeting.




6  Lambu had suffered from a headache, feeling as if some heavy stone had lodged in his head. The Lord healed him miraculously. He felt the Lord’s healing touch and it was completely gone. He felt very light with no more heaviness at all.




7  Rabi had a small tumour in his stomach, and it was getting bigger day by day. The pain was very severe. He had not wanted to attend the meeting, but his mother compelled him to go, giving him Rs 100/- for his auto rickshaw fare. He could not believe that it had disappeared. He wept and wept and accepted the Christ for this gracious miracle. Praise the Lord!




8—-This elderly mother’s hand was swollen, and she was not able to work with her hand because she had no strength. And she had another problem in her leg. She testified that during the last five years she was unable to stand for even three minutes, but that day she stood for forty minutes without any pain. She praised God for this wonderful miracle.


Elderly Mama


9  Miss Surabhi had menstrual bleeding and could feel it even as she sat in the meeting. The Lord instantly healed her and the bleeding stopped.




10  Mother Sukri had fallen while she working in the field three years earlier. her backbone had been severely injured. The doctor advised her to undergo an operation. But since the family could not afford it (Rs one lakh), she had to endure the pain. As she sat in the meeting she felt power enter her body and she received strength. She was able to do what she could not do earlier.


Mother Sukri


11  Tapan came up to the stage and started crying. I asked him what had happened. He said that he used to ride his bicycle a lot, and he contracted hydrosols (?) disease. He had taken some medicine but did not work. The doctor told him to bring Rs.7000/- for an operation. He did not have the money, but when he heard that people would be healed at the meeting he came with expectation and praying in his heart. The pain and swelling disappeared. Praise the Lord He is now feeling very well.




12  For a few months Sangita had been suffering from an issue of blood. She was very weak. She took medication, but it did not help. She came to the room where I was staying, and I told her the Lord would heal her in the meeting. She came to the meeting and the Lord indeed healed her.




13  A young man named Saloman had suffered much from seizures since childhood. He would fall down anywhere at any time. A family member had to accompany him at all times. His father brought him to this meeting. Most of the time his head shook. But at the meeting he experienced the Lord’s healing touch in his body. He told his father that he was feeling better as his head had stopped shaking. His father checked him, and asked him to go to the front and give his testimony.




14  Mashi Majhi had tuberculosis for a few years. When he coughed he would have pain in his chest and entire body. Miraculously the Lord took away his tuberculosis. On the first day he felt some change, but on the next day as he checked he discovered he was healed. He had stopped coughing completely. Praise God.


Mashi Majhi


15— The Lord did two miracles for Sumitra Mallik. She had been tormented by a demon spirit for two years. During that time she had had an operation during her baby’s birth. During her operation she lost consciousness due to pain. Praise the Lord she experienced the Lord’s healing touch. Both the pain and the demon left her.



Other reports & testimonies

There had been some believers who used to serve as deacons and other responsible leaders in the church and who had gone astray from Lord and became addicted to alcohol and other things.  After the last day of the gospel being preached, they came forward and cried before the congregation. They confessed that they would no longer live like that, promising that they would not drink and not do wrong any more. They requested prayer that disease would not attack them or their family.



A Hindu man was responsible for the PA system in the meeting. He had chest pain and the Lord healed him. He met me and told me that he was addicted to alcohol. Many times his daughter would ask him not to drink anymore, but he continued drinking. That day he was determined not to drink anymore. He had put his faith in Jesus as he had seen such instant healings right before his own eyes.



Hundreds of men and women came forward. Kneeling down, they cried out and confessed their sins and accepted the Christ for the first time. I have 13 more photos of people testifying but do not have their testimonies because of the crowd.




Thank you so much for your prayer, encouragement and teaching which have helped me a lot to grow in ministry and in the Lord. We pray for you and for the Elijah Challenge.