“This is a big Pentecostal Church two and a half hours from Mumbai. The believers are very well-educated and disciplined. I taught the Training for two days and afterwards in the evening there was a revival meeting followed by ministering healing to those with infirmities. It was a great opportunity for me to teach in a relatively large church.

So many people were healed from various physical infirmities such as problems with vision, hearing, joint pain as well as others. Many people testified that they were blessed with the teaching.




There was a woman had undergone surgery for a brain tumor. Her memory was poor. After the evening event on the first day, I ministered to her while she was seated outside. By the second day her memory had improved greatly. Her husband shared with me that she had changed a lot. Praise the Lord.

The believers were very receptive to the teaching, but they believe that only pastors can minister to the sick through the laying on of hands. They do not allow laypeople to do so. So we ministered to the sick with a few of their local pastors.”



-Elijah Challenge Coordinator in Orissa/Odisha, India
March 2018