Reports from Albert Kang

Dear Elijah Challengers and Friends,

After two weeks of mission trip to the Philippines, it is good to be home again. Home, to me now, is of course, Kuala Lumpur. This trip, I had gone alone but of course, I was not alone. The Lord was working in the midst and miracles became a common phenomenon.

Praise God for Elijah Challenge and I mean it with all my heart. The last three years of my ministry have been changed tremendously and these last two mission trips said it all. For 25 years of ministry, more than 22 years were spent preaching the Word without much demonstration of God’s power. Yes, I did cast out some demons and heal a few sick but nothing can be compared to my ministry now. More people were miraculously healed in one meeting than all of those in the 22 years combined. The best part is that I am able to teach others to use the “authority of healing” and they are healing the sick and sharing the Gospel.

I can still remember vividly the time when Dr. Thiagan, my dentist and now my fellow Elijah Challenger, invited me to a “seminar about healing.” To oblige him, I said I would try to attend. My wife, Grace, on the other hand, was very enthusiastic about the seminar and insisted that I attended with her. Little did I realise that God had used her to overcome my sceptical notion. I thought Pastor William and his Elijah Challenge healing message would be similar to what I had experienced before with other “healers.” In my mind, I was thinking that since I had no gift of healing, why I should even attend. How wrong I was – Somehow, Pastor William managed to recapture the misplaced truth and show me the missing ingredient in my ministry – the tangible and authentic authority to heal the sick and prove to the unbelievers that Jesus is really God.

Another thing that I had learned from that first seminar and subsequent seminars was the way to present this truth. Pastor William’s approach has great advantage because it appeals to people from every denomination. He uses, primarily, scripture verses to convince the participants. Initially, it may look very simple and some times even boring. However, in my recent seminars, I found this approach to be very convincing and effective. As a Pentecostal pastor, it is against my nature not to include some spectacular display of emotion but with this method, I do not need to do that. The Word of God speaks for itself. Rev Olie (Rolando Lapuz), a Conservative Baptist pastor and the chairman of the Bacoor Ministerial Fellowship said that anyone can fight an opinion but no one can fight the pure Word of God.

Incredibly, I am still amazed at how the Evangelical churches are joining hands with the Pentecostals and Charismatics to use the Elijah Challenge Model of End-time Evangelism to heal the sick and bring unbelievers to the saving knowledge of Christ. If someone were to tell me three years ago that I would be conducting healing seminars in churches pastored by Conservative Baptist and other Evangelical pastors, I would not believe him. Ten days ago, I conducted a full-day Elijah Challenge seminar in a Conservative Baptist church, attended by pastors and leaders from 27 churches of many different denominations. It was extremely wonderful just to see so many of these pastors and leaders, who were once sceptical about divine healing, being miraculously healed in this place.

Last Monday, many of the same pastors and leaders returned to attend a full-day Church Growth Seminar. Some of these Evangelical pastors even asked me to lay hands on them and pray for God to bless their ministries. I was most humbled by such requests but I knew that God had a purpose in allowing that. He was showing all His servants that we all should be obedient to the divine purpose and call – even in using our authority to heal.

Pastor Carl Henderson, our Coordinator of Elijah Challenge Philippines, is affecting four churches on the Islands of Silaki and Bolina with the message of Elijah Challenge . He is also teaching the Way of the Master (WOTM) and Elijah Challenge together in Kalibo, Iloilo and Baguio. God has also opened door for Pastor Carl in YWAM (Youth With A Mission) to train their leaders and workers.

Pastor Ana, Pastor Cesar and Pastor Reggie are working hard to bring Elijah Challenge to other Filipino provinces. They are translating the training materials into Tagalog so that they can reach more barrio churches. The strategy is to impart Elijah Challenge Model of End-time Evangelism to the local churches and allow them to reach their barrios for Christ.

Pastor Joy Gabasa reported that the healing and evangelistic efforts are continuing in Nueva Ecija. Pastors from churches in the outskirts had sent him many healing reports through SMS messages (known as “texts” in the Philippines). I thank God that Elijah Challengers in Nueva Ecija are moving in power and authority.

The era of the faceless and nameless power-packed believers has begun. Pray with us as we obey the command of God to bring this displaced truth to more churches in Asia. Another better option is for you to join us in our future mission trips and allow the Lord to use you to heal the sick and tell them that the Kingdom of God is here.

God bless, be faithful and keep serving our Saviour.


In Christ Alone,

Pastor Albert Kang
Coordinator, Elijah Challenge Asia
August 30, 2007